Arsht Research on Ethics and Community Grants

The Arsht Research on Ethics and Community Grants were awarded annually for nearly a decade to support research projects that addressed a contemporary moral issue that had implications for public policy, professional practice, human rights, etc. The Arsht Grant Program has now ended.

For more information, please contact Ethics Programs Co-Directors Anita Cava at 305-284-5084 or Kenneth Goodman at 305-243-5723.

Grant awardees - 2007-2015

Arsht Ethics Research Grants were awarded to faculty-student teams. Any full-time UM faculty member or rising (i.e., prior to year of graduation) fulltime student (graduate or undergraduate) could apply for an Arsht Ethics Research Grant. A faculty applicant needed to identify at least one student collaborator; a student applicant must identify at least one faculty mentor. Strong preference was given to inter- and multi-disciplinary projects. An impartial Ethics Advisory Board reviewed all proposals.

To view the list of grant recipients per year along with links to publications and other deliverables from the projects, please click here.

Criteria for successful proposals: 
  • Show promise that the projects are likely to result in a publication, presentation, curriculum, Web resource or other public deliverable.
  • Make clear a faculty commitment to mentor or supervise students
  • Bear on a contemporary moral issue or ethical issue of social significance.

Interim and final project reports were required of all successful applicants. 

Funds could be used for limited faculty release time, limited summer support or course buyouts, student compensation, equipment, software, books and other resources, limited travel and other appropriate project-related costs.

Proposals structure:
  • Title of proposed project
  • Requested performance period of the proposed project (not to exceed 12 months).
  • Name, position/title and campus affiliation(s) of applicant and collaborator (faculty member(s) and student(s)).
  • Abstract
  • Description of previous applicable work, accomplishments
  • Project narrative (making plain (i) the ethical issue to be addressed and its significance, (ii) the methods to be used, (iii) inter- or multi-disciplinary aspects and (iv) other salient details)
  • Bibliography
  • Budget
  • Letter of endorsement from the appropriate dean or department head if grant funds are intended to be used to reduce a faculty member’s teaching load
  • Current funding, if applicable
  • CV or resume of all participants

Proposals must be prepared using 11 point or larger font on 8.5” by 11” pages with margins of no less than .5”. Proposals may not exceed 4 single-spaced pages, excluding bibliography, budget, letter of endorsement and CVs or resumes. 

Other Important Considerations:
  • Preference was given to those who have not previously received an Arsht award. Those who have received more than one award should contact the program office before applying.
  • Applicants were strongly urged to consult the list of prior awards (link above) and to query program directors with any questions (see below).
  • Note that these grants werefor projects in applied research ethics and not for community service or other good deeds.
  • Applications had to be explicit in identifying the ethical issues to be addressed. Merely using the word “ethics” is inadequate.
  • Applicants needed to make these ethical issues explicit in the abstract.

