Summer Ethics Internship Program

The University of Miami offers a variety of summer internships in ethics and the professions. Interns are expected to work on a mentored research project in bioethics, business ethics, government and professional ethics or the like. Interns, who receive a modest stipend, meet regularly in small groups that include didactic sessions and at which they update faculty and each other on progress in their projects. Students are expected to complete a final, written report at the end of the summer. Only UM students are eligible for summer internships.

Created in 1996, the Summer Ethics Internship Program is traditionally sponsored by the University of Miami Ethics Programs, the Department of Philosophy, the College of Arts & Sciences and the Offices of the Provost and Vice Provost for Research.

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Lance Aschliman — “The Epistemic Value of True Belief (or the Lack Thereof)”

Daniel Corrigan — “Adjudicating Environmental Disputes in Human Rights Courts: Six Mutually Supporting Benefits,” presented at the MANCEPT Workshop in Political Theory, University of Manchester, UK, September 8, 2016.

David DiDomenico — “Moral Perception, Inference, and Imagination,” presented at the Florida Philosophical Association Annual Meeting 2016; and forthcoming as a chapter in Balcerak-Jackson, M. & Balcerak-Jackson, B., Reasoning. Essays on Theoretical and Practical Thinking. Oxford University Press.

Nihel Jhou — “Daoist Conception of Time: Is Time Merely a Mental Construction?”

Casey Landers — “Inserted thoughts are mind pops: Preserving the subjectivity of consciousness,” poster, Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Summer 2016.

Azenet Lopez — “Non-descriptivism of Emotion and Sensation Attributions,”  presented at the American Association of Mexican Philosophers, Syracuse, NY, September 2016.

Haley Mathis — “A Moral Sentimentalist Account of Punishment”

Amanda McMullen — “What is the Truth-Conditional Content of Slurs?”

Shea Musgrave — “There is No Easy Road to Platonism”

John Odito — “The Doctrine of Neocentrism”

Jordan Schummer — “Movement and Temporality in Film”


Lance Aschliman and Jordan Schummer “A Contextualist Semantics for Aesthetic Judgments” Published in Inquiry

David DiDomenico“Moral Perception, Intuitionism, and A Priori Knowledge”

Theodore Locke “Counterpossibles for Modal Normativists”

Azenet Lopez “The Universe Is Not A Fundamental Object”

Haley Mathis “Care Ethics and Just Enough Paternalism”

Felipe G.A. Moreira “Images of Philosophy”

Heleana Theixos “Ticking Time-Bomb Torture Cases and Moral Injury”

Rina Tzinman “An Argument for Survivalism”


Aschliman, LK.  Exploitation and Research on the Vulnerable.  Also, grant supported and influenced work on 12th Annual Graduate Student Conference: Biomedical Epistemology and Bioethics, 16-18 October 2014, University of Miami.

Corrigan, DP. Political Conceptions of Human Rights and Corporate Obligation. In The Political-Moral Controversy Over Human Rights [working title], eds. Maliks, R, Schaffer, JK; under review.

El Ali, R. A New Solution to the Gamer’s Dilemma. The Philosophy of Computer Games, 13 November 2014, Istanbul; revised version presented at American University of Beirut, 16 February 2015.

Mathis, H. Gender Equality and Biomedical Enhancement. Florida Philosophical Association Annual Meeting, 14-15 November 2014, Tampa.

Schwind, P. Towards an Intuitionist Moral Epistemology Without Self-Evidence. German Society for Analytic Philosophy, 14-17 September 2015, Osnabrück, Germany.

Theixos, HB. The Responsibility for Moral Repair in a Post-Atrocity Community. Dissertation chapter.

Yelle, B. Objective Goods and the Subjective Intuition, submitted to the Pacific Meeting of the American Philosophical Association and the “Understanding Value” conference at Sheffield University. In addition, the paper formed a significant part of chapter two of the dissertation “Realizing What Matters,” successfully defended in October 2014.


No awards


Daniel Corrigan
Work-Related Human Rights and the Responsibilities of Business

Daniel Hampikian
The Morality of Animal Experimentation for Medical Purposes: A Model for Comparing Animal and Human Life and Wellbeing

Monica Morrison
The Ethics of Vaccination Refusal: Epistemic Bias, Individual Choice, and the Health of the Public

Robin Neiman
GRADE-ing Equipoise:Formulating “Clinical Equipoise” as a GRADE System Policy Recommendation

Philipp Schwind and Ho Man Wai
The Epistemology of Ethical Intuitionism

Ben Yelle
Advanced Euthanasia Directives and Physician-Assisted Suicide at the Margins of Agency: The Dutch’s Experience with Alzheimer’s AEDs


Daniel Cohen
A Defense of Two-Level Ethical Theories

Daniel Hampikian
Why Morality is Possible without Critical Self-Reflection in Humans and Animals: A Reply to Korsgaard

Philipp Schwind
Ross and Aristotle

Heleana Theixos


Ben Burgis

Daniel Cohen

Daniel Hampikian 
Developing A Confucian Model for Moral Improvement within a Care Ethical System

Mark Warren
Ethics and Psychopathy


Noel Alphonse
The Case Against Preventive War: An Analysis of the Prudential and Moral Dimensions of Contemporary American Foreign Policy

Daniel Cohen
Beliefs and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Explanation, Treatment, Understanding

David Michael Hurlburt
Is it Evil to Enjoy Imaginary Wicked Acts?Dissertation chapter.

Brian Mondy
Funniness and Normativity

Shane Oakley
Typology of Causes in Medical Malpractice

Kristin Francoeur
Genetically Modified Organisms: The Development, Spread, and Legislation of GM Crops

Mary A. Hooshmand
Telemedicine for Children with Special Health Care Needs in Rural, Remote and Medically Underserved Areas:  Is there an inherent ethical responsibility for insurance companies to provide coverage?

Amy L. Kaye
Whose Duty Is It? Nurses’ Role in Informed Consent

Manny Halberstam, Brandeis University
A Timeline of U.S. Quarantines


Peter Gauthier
Ethics and Data Mining

Liz Giles
Ethics and Art Therapy

Alyssa Anne Henning
Ethics and Ophthalmology

Michael Hurlburt
Facial Transplantation and Challenges to Informed Consent
Presentation: Hutlburt M. Facial Transplantation and Challenges to Informed Consent. Presented at the 34th Annual Conference for Value Inquiry,Adrian College, Adrian, Michigan, April 12-14, 2007

Shane Oakley
Ethics and Statistics
Resource: Oakley S. Statistics. Forthcoming on the “Ethics Curriculum Project, a Web-based,
interdisciplinary, intercurricular moral reasoning resources”


George Barrios
Advance Directives in Spanish

Jeremy Morris
Virtual Child Pornography

Shane Oakley
Ethics and Journalism

Matthew Schuh
Ethics and Stem Cell Research


Shane Oakley
A Philosophical Analysis of Stem Cell Research

Jeremy Morris

Zarina Motorwala
Project Medishare

Matthew Schuh


John Kenyon
Ethical Evaluation of “Retainer Fee” Medical Practice
Publication: Needell MH, Kenyon JS. Ethical evaluation of “retainer fee” medical practice. The Journal of Clinical Ethics2005;16(1):72-84.

Shirong Luo
Empathy and Virtue:  A Comparison of Two Novel Approaches to the Ethicality of Abortion

Osvil Acosta-Morales
The Ethics of Quarantine or Ethics and Quarantines

Ellen Lee Moskowitz
Ethics Across Borders or International Research Ethics (in collaboration with Sergio Litewka)

Liz Giles
Fetal Rights, Abortion, Child Abuse, and Guardianship
Presentation: Giles L. Wrongdoing, Entitlement and Binding Contracts with Nonexistent Beings.
Presented to the annual conference of the Florida Philosophical Association, St. Petersburg, Fall 2003.

Amber Winick
Health Privacy in Different Cultures


Jennifer Miles
The Possible Exploitation of Women in the Harvesting of Embryos for Stem Cell Research

Michael L. Veber
Virtual Child Pornography

Christopher Weaver and Erin O’Callaghan
Guardianship and Mental Incapacity

Michelle Eustache
Ethics and Public Health


Michael Gombosh
Inappropriate Incentives for Conducting Human Subjects Research

Padmini Jagadish
End-of-Life Care

A.J. Kreider

Shirong Luo
Ethics and Genetics

Len Olsen
Ethics of Sport Fishing
Publication: Olsen L. Contemplating the intentions of anglers: The ethicist’s challenge. Environmental


Sarah Dundorf and Sheron Fraser-Burgess
Conflicts of Interest in Professional Communities

Mark Neunder
The Moral Permissibility of Therapeutic Genetic Engineering

Yvette Pearson
Obligations Towards Offspring Non-Paternalistic Arguments for Limiting the Freedom to Create New Persons


Jason Borenstein
Scientific Evidence and the Legal System
Borenstein, J. The epistemic challenge of expert testimony. International Journal of
Politics and Ethics
 2002; 2(3):225-42.
Borenstein, J. Authenticating expertise: philosophical and legal issues. International
Journal of Applied Philosophy
 2002; 16(1):85-102.
Borenstein, J. Re-examining expert testimony. International Journal of Politics and
Borenstein, J. Expertise and epistemology: can laypersons assess the claims of experts?
Philosophy in the Contemporary World 2002; 9(2):1-6.
Borenstein, J. An account of expertise: Goldman, Polanyi, and beyond. Appraisal 2001;

Peter Ganovsky
Authorship Policies and Recruitment of Human Subjects

Satu Shah
Drug-seeking Behavior in Dade County Emergency Departments (continued)

Kenneth Zide
Pediatric Decision Making


Ilana Cohen
The Talmud and Medical Ethics


Jennifer Arnold
Ethical Considerations of Genetic Screening and Engineering for Skeletal Dysplasias

Amy Brickman
Ethical Issues Involved in Genetic Testing for and Manipulation of Personality Traits

Steven Brumer
Informed Consent Research and Tissue Sampling Policies

Brian Kirmse
Drug-seeking Behavior in Dade County Emergency Departments

Geri Newburge
Ethics and Public Health

Eby Paul
Tissue Cataloguing at the University of Miami/ Jackson Memorial Health Center


Dan Goldberg
The Ethics of Databases and Genetic Information
