Archives: 2000 - 2009


February 18, 2000

Temptations in Gene Therapy Research
Bernard Gert, Ph.D. Dartmouth College

March 24, 2000
Science, Disability and ‘Deaf Culture’
Thomas J. Balkany, M.D. University of Miami Department of Otolaryngology

April 28, 2000
Sensitive Research, Vulnerable Subjects — A Nursing Perspective
Nancy Crigger, R.N., Ph.D. University of Central Florida

May 19, 2000
Clinical Trials in the Developing World
Charles Mitchell, M.D. University of Miami Department of Pediatrics

August 25, 2000
Human Studies in Developing Countries: Exploitation or Science?
Anthony Mullings, D.M., M.P.H., University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica

September 29, 2000
Stem Cell Research
Arturo Brito, M.D., University of Miami Department of Pediatrics and National Bioethics Advisory Commission

November 10, 2000
Secret U.S. Experiments on Humans
Jonathan D. Moreno, Ph.D., University of Virginia

December 8, 2000
Information Shortfall: Clinical Trials, Computers and the Need to Know
Charles Jaffe, M.D., Ph.D., AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals

January 26, 2001
Internet Research
Kenneth W. Goodman, Ph.D,. Director, University of Miami Bioethics Program

March 30, 2001
Sex, Fecundity and Reproduction: Scientific, Social and Ethical Challenges
Germaine M. Buck, Ph.D., National Institutes of Health

April 27, 2001
Religion as a Medical Variable
Fred M. Frohock, Ph.D., Syracuse University

May 18, 2001
The Challenges of Human Research – An African Perspective
Kumar Sridutt Baboo, M.Med., M.B.B.S., University of Zambia School of Medicine, Lusaka


September 14, 2001
Ethics and Compliance – What Are All These New Regs About?
Norman H. Altman, V.M.D., University of Miami Vice Provost for Research

November 16, 2001
Science, Social Policy, Economics: A Perfect Ethical Dilemma
Luis Glaser, Ph.D., University of Miami Executive Vice President and Provost

December 14, 2001
Out of Africa: Lessons in Protecting Participants in Human Subjects Research
Arturo Brito, M.D., University of Miami Department of Pediatrics

January 18, 2002
Responsible Conduct of Research: The Government’s Role – and Rationale
Alicia Dustira, Ph.D., U. S. Office of Research Integrity

February 22, 2002
Privacy, Data Protection and the Law
Anita Cava, J.D., Reid Cushman, Ph.D., Mike Novo, J.D., University of Miami Department of Business Law, Ethics Programs, and Office of the General Counsel

March 29, 2002
Conflict of Interest in Clinical Research
Robert Walker, M.D., University of South Florida

April 18, 2002
Banked Tissue Research: Ethical and Legal Challenges
Jeffrey Botkin, M.D.,University of Utah

May 17, 2002
Who’s in Charge? Research Oversight and the Role of Lawyers, Congress and Investigators
Rina Hakimian, J.D., M.P.H., National Cancer Institute


September 27, 2002
Ethics and Education Research: Challenges to the Biomedical Model
Paul Braunschweiger, Ph.D. University of Miami Department of Radiation Oncology Kenneth W. Goodman, Ph.D. Director, University of Miami Bioethics Program

October 18, 2002
Transgenic Animals
Lida Anestidou, D.V.M., M.S. University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center

November 8, 2002
Nursing and Research
Various Faculty (VAMC and University of Miami)

December 13, 2002
Science, Advocacy and Activism
Lee Crandall, Ph.D., University of Miami

February 11, 2003
Public Health Research and Genomics
Muin J. Khoury, M.D., Ph.D., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Public Health Service, Atlanta, GA

March 14, 2003
Informed Consent: When Subjects Say “Yes,” But Should Say “No”
Saul J. Weiner, M.D., University of Illinois at Chicago

April 4, 2003
Clinical Trial(s) and Error: Acquiring and Applying Evidence
Peter Schwartz, M.D., Ph.D., Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Boston University

May 16, 2003
Medical Marijuana: Politics, Drug Abuse and the Federal Research Agenda
Craig Klugman, Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno


September 26, 2003
Civil Liability in Therapeutic and Nontherapeutic Research: Who Pays?
Linda A. Simunek, ARNP, Ph.D., J.D. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.

October 3, 2003
Legal and Ethical Issues in Genetics: An Update
Mary Kay Pelias, Ph.D., J.D. Louisiana State University, New Orleans

November 14, 2003
Research on Assisted Dying
Faye Girsh, Ed.D. End-of-Life Choices, Denver

December 5, 2003 [canceled]
Pollution and Health Disparities
Richard D. Gragg III, Ph.D. Florida A&M University, Tallahassee

January 23, 2004
Research Ethics In Latin America
Fernando Lolas, M.D. Pan American Health Organization, Santiago, Chile

February 27, 2004
Therapeutic and Reproductive Cloning: Building a Framework to Protect Research
Bernard Siegel, J.D. Genetics Policy Institute, Miami

March 5, 2004
When is Written Consent Necessary? The Case of Education Research
Jack M. Fletcher, Ph.D. University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston

May 21, 2004
Ultra-Low-Temperature Storage of the Critically Ill
Steven B. Harris, M.D. Critical Care Research, Inc., Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., and Christopher Dougherty, Ph.D. Suspended Animation, Inc., Boca Raton, Fla


September. 24, 2004
Soldiers as Subjects: New Challenges from Military Research
Kenneth W. Goodman, Ph.D., Co-Director, Ethics Programs, University of Miami

October 15, 2004
Community-Based Research
Virginia Ashby Sharpe, Ph.D., Georgetown University

November 12, 2004
Research on Resuscitation: Medical Progress and Unintended Consequences
James R. Jude, M.D., Miami

January 28, 2005
The Terri Schiavo Case: Research Challenges in Death and Dying
Robin N. Fiore, Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University

February 25, 2005
A Better Approach to Animal Research: Insights from Neurological Complexity
Jeffrey Spike, Ph.D., Florida State University, Tallahassee

March 25, 2005
Ethics Review of Outbreak Research: A System Doomed to Fail?
Raphael Saginur, M.D., University of Ottawa

May 13, 2005
How Should We Earn the Public’s Trust? Research at Academic Medical Centers
Mark Yarborough, Ph.D., University of Colorado at Denver


September. 23, 2005
Are We There Yet?Educational Tools for Scientific Integrity
Paul G. Braunschweiger, Ph.D.,  Director University of Miami Miller

October 14, 2005
Electronic Patient Records: Sources of Data and Targets of Research
Melissa Goldstein, J.D., The Markle Foundation, Washington, D.C.

December 9, 2005
Undue Incentives for Research in Latin America
Sergio Litewka, M.D., University of Miami Ethics Programs

Janaury 17, 2006
Research Sponsorship at UM: Challenges and Future Directions
Thomas J. LeBlanc, Ph.D., University of Miami

January 27, 2006
Navigating Ethical Challenges in Biomarker Research
Carol Isaacson Barash, Ph.D., Boston

February 23, 2006
The Moral Status of Science Policy: Lessons from the Stem Cell Wars
Eric M. Meslin, Ph.D, Indiana University

March 31, 2006
Therapeutic Jurisprudence’ and Incompetent Research Subjects
Bruce J. Winick, J.D., University of Miami

April 10, 2006
Studying How the World Treats Its Children
James Appleyard, M.D., London

April, 21, 2006
A Moral Framework for Public Health Ethics & Prevention: What’s the Fuss?
Katie Wasson, Ph.D., National Cancer Institute


October 27, 2006
Studying Medical Failure: Ethical and Regulatory Challenges
Robert L. Wears, M.D., M.S., University of Florida, Jacksonville

November 10 2006
Developmental Disability: Unique Challenges for Research
Jeffrey P. Brosco, M.D., Ph.D., and Kenneth W. Goodman, Ph.D., University of Miami

December 15, 2006
Is the Belmont Report Adequate For Genetics Research?
Bernard Gert, Ph.D.,  Dartmouth College

January 12, 2007
Love, Guilt and the Telephone: Research on Home Care Technology
Bonnie Kaplan, Ph.D., Yale University
February 9, 2007
Research and Reproduction: The Case of Uterus Transplants
Andreas Tzakis, M.D., Ph.D.,  University of Miami

March 9, 2007
False Hope? Managing Pressure to Provide Experimental Therapy
Richard A. Rettig, Ph.D., RAND Corporation

April 13, 2007
Hope, ‘Therapeutic Misestimation’ and Consent in Clinical Research
Jodi Halpern, M.D., Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley


September 21, 2007
Gifts and Gratitude: The Role of Industry Largesse in Research
Daniel S. Goldberg, J.D.,  Baylor College of Medicine, Houston

October 5, 2007
How to Give Valid Consent for Research That’s Not Good for You
Mary Coombs, J.D. University of Miami School of Law

November 30, 2007
Culture, Ethnicity & Cancer Trials: Managing Communication Disparity
Christian Simon, Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland

February 15, 2008
Statistics & Values: Identifying & Managing Hidden Preferences in Data Analysis
Chris Feudtner, M.D., Ph.D., MPH,  The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

April 25, 2008
Do Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Have Souls? Imaginative Tools to Resolve Ethical Standoffs
Gerard Magill, Ph.D. Duquesne University, Pittsburgh

May 30, 2008
Ethical Issues for Academic Medical Centers
Kenneth Ludmerer, M.D. Washington University, St. Louis


August 29, 2008
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act-Will GINA Expand Subject Enrollment?
Rebecca Feinberg, J.D., M.Be., M.S.

October 31, 2008
Promoting Integrity in the UM Animal Care and Use Program
Paul Braunschweiger, Ph.D., University of Miami

December 12, 2008
Beyond Conflicts of Interest: Managing Moral Hazards in Funded Research
Robin N. Fiore, Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University

January 23, 2009
Community-Based Participatory Research
Erin Kobetz, Ph.D., MPH, University of Miami

February 13, 2009
Over-Prescribed/Under-Medicated: History and Cultural Politics of Pain in America
Keith Wailoo, Ph.D., Rutgers University
April 17, 2009
Informed Consent or Informed Contract?
Hans-Martin Sass, Ph.D., Georgetown University

May 8, 2009
Increasing Minority Participation in Clinical Trials: Can Decision Aids Help?
Margaret Byrne, Ph.D., University of Miami

September 25, 2009
Neuroscience Research, Philosophy and the Case of Terri Schiavo
Daniel N. Robinson, Ph.D., Oxford University

December 18, 2009
Research on Prisoners: Nuremberg to Guantanamo?
Steven Miles, M.D., University of Minnesota
