Archives: 2010-2019


January 8, 2010
Cultural Constraints on Research and Their Role in Defining Scientific Integrity
Fernando Lolas Stepke, M.D., Pan American Health Organization and University of Chile

September 3, 2010
Police Powers and Epidemics: HIV as a Case Study
Dwayne C. Turner, Ph.D., J.D., M.P.H.
Broward County Health Department

October 8, 2010
Getting to “The Good Society”—U.S. Research Priorities 2010-2020
Don Mayer, J.D., LL.M.
Arsht Visiting Scholar in Ethics
Professor in Residence, Daniels College of Business, University of Denver

November 5, 2010
Tuskegee Revisited – but Worse? U.S. Wrongdoing in Guatemala
Sergio Litweka, M.D., M.P.H.
University of Miami Ethics Programs

January 28, 2011
The Challenge of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Research, Practice & Technology
Matthew S. Goodwin, Ph.D.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab

February 25, 2011
Beyond the “Art and Science” of Medicine
Miriam Solomon, Ph.D.
Temple University

April 29, 2011
Brain Death and its Challenges
Calixto Machado, M.D., Ph.D.
Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Havana

July 15, 2011
Demographics and Ethics: Classifying Race and Ethnicity in Research
Elizabeth Heitman, Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University

July 25, 2011
Human Subjects Ethics in Russia and Guatemala: Venereology and the Gaze of History
Boris Yudin, Ph.D.
Russian Academy of Sciences


September 16, 2011
The Body Politic:The Battle Over Science in America
Click here for streaming video (Silverlight)
Click here for streaming video (Quicktime)
Jonathan D. Moreno, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania

October 21, 2011
Weapons Research
Jeff McMahan, Ph.D.
Rutgers University

November 30, 2011
Ethics in Extreme Environments: NASA and Space-based Research
Paul Root Wolpe, Ph.D.
Emory University

February 17, 2012
Ethical Design of the Deep Brain Stimulation in the Minimally Conscious State Trial: Notes from the Trenches
Joseph J. Fins, M.D., FACP
Weill Cornell Medical College

February 27, 2012
Research on “Nudging” Patients: Autonomy, Rationality and Consent
Click here for streaming video (Silverlight)
Peter Schwartz, M.D., Ph.D.
Indiana University

April 20, 2012
The Business of Bodies: Regulations and Ethics for Human Tissue Use
Thomas Champney, Ph.D.
University of Miami


September 21, 2012
“Teaching Ethics to Scientists: Why Rules and Consequences Matter”
Click here for streaming video (Silverlight)
Click here for streaming video (Quicktime)
Thomas M. Powers, Ph.D.
University of Delaware

October 5, 2012
“Bedside genome sequencing:  What history tells us about the future of newborn screening”
Jeffrey P. Brosco, M.D., Ph.D., and Rochelle Baer
University of Miami
Noon-1:00 PM
MCCD 3023, UM Medical Campus
November 9, 2012
“Nothing About Us Without Us: A Disability Studies Perspective on Research Ethics”
Simi Linton
Columbia University
Noon- 1:00 PM
MCCD 3023, UM Medical Campus

December 7, 2012
Jason Borenstein, PhD
“Robots as Caregivers: Ethical Challenges for Researchers”
Georgia Institute of Technology
Noon- 1:00 PM
RMSB 4th Floor Auditorium, UM Medical Campus

January 18, 2013
“Communicating Research Risks”
Click here for streaming video (Silverlight)
Click here for streaming video (Quicktime)
Ana S. Iltis, Ph.D.
Wake Forest University
Noon- 1:00 PM
RMSB 4th Floor Auditorium, UM Medical Campus

February 1, 2013
Academy of Research Excellence
Click here for streaming video (Silverlight)
Click here for streaming video (Quicktime)
Ray Moseley, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Noon- 1:00 PM
RMSB 4th Floor Auditorium, UM Medical Campus

March 8, 2013
Informed Consent and its Discontents: The Challenge of Health Literacy
Erin N. Marcus, M.D., M.P.H. and Leonardo Tamariz, M.D., M.P.H.
University of Miami
Noon- 1:00 PM
RMSB 4th Floor Auditorium, UM Medical Campus

May 22, 2013
Outsourcing, Offshoring and Oversight: The Challenge for Global Justice
Jorge José Ferrer, Th.D.
University of Miami
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Mailman Center Room 3023, UM Medical Campus


May 16, 2014
International Research on Sexual Minorities
Jaime Hernandez, J.D., M.Be.
University of Pennsylvania
Watch video

January 17, 2014
The Science Forest and the IRB Trees: Why Research Environments Matter
Jennifer L. Gibson, Ph.D.
University of Toronto

December 10, 2013
Ethics, Translational Science & the IRB: The Future is (Still) Not What It Used to Be
Kenneth W. Goodman, Ph.D.
University of Miami

November 8, 2013
Community-Based Research: Foundations and Challenges
Erin Kobetz, Ph.D., MPH
University of Miami

October 8, 2013
Trusted Governance
Robin N. Fiore, Ph.D.
University of Miami


September 19, 2014
Ethics, Biomedical Informatics and Translational Science
Click here for streaming video (Silverlight)
Peter J. Embi, MD, MS, FACP, FACMI
The Ohio State University

October 3, 2014
The Trials and Tribulations of “Universal Consent”
Click here for streaming video (Silverlight)
Peter Iafrete, PharmD
University of Florida

January 19, 2015
Research, from the Laboratory to the Community or Vice-Versa?
Click here for streaming video (Silverlight)
Rueben C. Warren, DDS, MPH, DrPH, MDiv
The National Center for Bioethics in Research and Heath Care, Tuskegee University

February 6, 2015
Great Expectations! Science, Society and Inquiry
Click here for streaming video (Silverlight)
Daniel R. Vasgird, PhD
West Virginia University

March 20, 2015
And you think you have problems? Research ethics in a small society
Click here for streaming video (Silverlight)
Mike Campbell, PhD
University of the West Indies – Cave Hill, Bridgetown, Barbados

April 10, 2015
“Right to Try” Laws and Access to Experimental Drugs
Click here for streaming video (Silverlight)
Camillo Ricordi, MD, and Kenneth Goodman, PhD
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
[Link to The Cure Alliance, founded by Dr. Ricordi to “accelerate potential cures from the laboratory to the bedside.”]

May 1, 2015
Newborn Genomic Screening: Current and Future Challenges
Jeffrey P. Brosco, MD, PhD
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

2015-2016 Schedule

September 25, 2015
When Science Meets Sport: Helmets, Head Injury and Public Policy
Stephen Olvey, MD
University of Miami

October 30, 2015
Science Writing and Communication: Potential Tools to Improve Replication
Joanna Johnson, PhD
University of Miami

November 19, 2015
The Value(s) of Public Deliberation: Challenges for Health Policy & Research
Adriane Gelpi, PhD, MPH
University of Miami

January 22, 2016
Editing Policy to Fit the Genome?
Rosario Isasi, JD, MPH
University of Miami

February 16, 2016
Timeout! Calling the Right Play for Children with Severe Neurological Impairment
Jay G. Berry, MD, MPH
Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital

May 4, 2016
Global Mental Health Research: Challenges and Questions
Fernando Lolas Stepke, MD
University of Chile

June 21, 2016
Human Rights as a Catalyst for International Data Sharing
Bartha Marie Knoppers, PhD
McGill University
